In Like a Lion: March at the Merchant’s House Tours

    March 10, 2019 @ 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
    March 24, 2019; april 14, 2019; april 28, 2019; may 12, 2019; may 26, 2019; june 9, 2019; june 23, 2019; july 14, 2019; july 28, 2019
    29 E 4th St
    New York, NY 10003

    In Like a Lion: March at the Merchant’s House

    Next walking tours:

    March 10, March 24; April 14, 28; May 12, 26; June 9, 23; July 14, 28
    12:30 to 1:30 pm

    Second & Fourth Sunday Walking Tours Resume!

    Visit as well the official site here for additional details…AND, be sure to check for any cancellations or scheduling changes and such.

    In the Footsteps of Bridget Murphy: A Walking Tour of Historic 19th Century Noho

    On this special walking tour, we’ll explore the world of Irish immigrants, who flooded into New York City in the 19th century to escape famine and hardship in Ireland; many worked as servants for wealthy families like the Tredwells. We’ll explore neighborhood and see sites associated with a servant’s life outside the walls of her employer’s home. $15; FREE for Members. Reservations strongly recommended; click here to purchase tickets.