Immigrant Heritage Week: Know Your Rights Seminar

    April 19, 2018 all-day
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    215 Centre St
    New York, NY 10013
    Immigrant Heritage Week: Know Your Rights Seminar @ New York | New York | United States

    At the Museum of Chinese in America

    Immigrant Heritage Week: Know Your Rights Seminar

    Thursday, April 19, 6:00 pm

    What should you do when you or your family are confronted by ICE agents? 

    Please join us for a Know Your Rights Seminar with trained facilitators and legal experts from the Chinese-American Planning Council and Advocates for Justice on understanding and exercising your rights, as well as top legal issues and services in the community that are available to you.

    This event is part of the NYC Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs annual Immigrant Heritage Week – A City of Immigrants: United in Action.