“I Am Because We Are”

    November 6, 2016 all-day
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    "I Am Because We Are" @ New York | New York | United States

    “I Am Because We Are”: Making a Commitment to Community

    Sunday, November 6 at 11:00 am

    Dr. Anne Klaeysen, Leader

    Part of the November Sunday Platforms at New York Society For Ethical Culture
    2 West 64th Street

    At every newcomer reception and new member interview, I emphasize “The Four T’s” of membership: time, talent, treasure, and training. We discuss what it means to put ethics into action. Many people who attend our programs agree with our values, enjoy our company, and may identify themselves as Humanists. Becoming a member means taking seriously the commitment to community, dedicating oneself to its principles, and participating in its growth. It is about walking the talk. As members of a community, we promise to be present (sustainability and fiscal responsibility), to provide a safe place for people to gather (physical and emotional security in facility and relationships), and to provide real opportunities for moral growth and development. Ethical Culture Leader Dr. Matthew Ies Spetter once said, “When we involve ourselves with a giving heart we are not only doing what is good, but building the wider human community, which is a stepping stone for more than just ourselves. . . It is a way of making hope real, not merely wishing for it.”

    – Anne Klaeysen

    Today, and every day, let us make hope real by committing ourselves to the success of our Ethical community. This morning I’ll explore ways of balancing “The Four T’s.” During the following luncheon, we will kick off our 2017 Fair Share Giving campaign with a celebration of this year’s accomplishments and a discussion about our hopes for the future.