Howard Eisenberg, Author & Poet, Reading from The Guess Who Book Series

    February 3, 2018 @ 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
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    334 Amsterdam Ave
    New York, NY 10023

    Howard Eisenberg, Author & Poet, Reading from The Guess Who Book Series

    Saturday, February 3, 2018
    3:30 – 5:00 pm

    JCC Manhattan, R&R Shabbat
    334 Amsterdam Avenue at 76th Street
    Makom Room, 7th Floor

    FREE!  All ages, especially for kids under 6 years old


    On Saturday, February 3rd, from  3:30-5pm,author Howard Eisenbrg, will be do a rhymed reading at the  R&R Shabbat at the Manhattan JCC.

    Howard will open with three books in his  award-winning Guess Who Book series, beginning with the Guess Who Zoo, which won a Parenting Magazine Pick and a Parents Choice Award. Guess Who Farm and Guess  Who Neighborhood will be read as well.

    Eisenberg’s uniquely interactive books riddle as well as rhyme.  Each animal describes itself with a clue in every line and it’s name left black for kids to guess.

    Two of the books include special If Animals Could Talk sections in which the giraffe, the goat, the raccoon and others tell fascinating facts about themselves. In the zoo book, the monkey steals he zookeeper’s keys.

    The animals won’t come back until kids have guessed (and shouted out) all their names.

    In Guess Who Farm, Young MacDonald buys a farm but the animals he purchases refuse to come down from the delivery truck until their names are guessed. A terrible guesser, Young Mac will need help from the audience.

    The series began as a CD of poems written on postcards to our six grandchildren while on a book tour of Australia with is beloved late wife,  Arlene,  for her first WhatTo Expect, When You’re Expecting books.

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    Trains: 1, 2, 3, B or C to 72nd Street