New York, NY 10027
Mathematics Professor Erica Walker Delivers 4th Annual Edmund W. Gordon Lecture, Educating Harlem Lecture Series
Thursday, February 16, 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Teachers College, Columbia University, Milbank Chapel
525 West 120th Street, between Broadway and Amsterdam Avenue
Teachers College, Columbia University presents the 4th Annual Edmund W. Gordon Lecture,Hidden in Plain Sight: Lessons for Mathematics Education Seen Through A Storytelling Lens, to be delivered by Professor Erica N. Walker, Thursday, February 16, 6pm to 7:30 pm in the Milbank Chapel, 525 West 120th Street, between Broadway and Amsterdam Avenue.
Referencing the hit film, “Hidden Figures,” the story of a team of African-American women mathematicians who served vital roles at NASA during the early years of the US space program which has sparked renewed interest in STEM education for girls and women, Dr. Walker’s lecture draws on more than 20 years of research with mathematics doers of all ages (ranging from elementary students to professional mathematicians).
Professor Walker will discuss the powerful potential of narratives and histories to facilitate significant mathematics learning and engagement for young people within and beyond schools. Additionally, she will discuss the implication of this work for heightening public interest in mathematics, improving representations of mathematics in popular culture, and promoting appreciation and understanding of mathematics across multiple domains.
SPEAKER BIO: Erica N. Walker is an associate professor of mathematics education at Teachers College, Columbia University. A former public high school mathematics teacher from Atlanta, Georgia, she earned her doctorate in education from Harvard University. Her research focuses on social and cultural factors as well as educational policies and practices that facilitate mathematics engagement, learning, and performance, especially for underserved students. She collaborates with teachers, schools, districts, and organizations to promote mathematics excellence and equity for young people. Her work has been published in journals such as the American Education Research Journal, Educational Leadership, and the Urban Review. Dr. Walker is also the author of two books: Building Mathematics Learning Communities: Improving Outcomes in Urban High Schools(published by Teachers College Press in 2012) and Beyond Banneker: Black Mathematicians and the Paths to Excellence, published by SUNY Press in 2014.
The lecture is free and to register attendance visit For questions or more information, contact Patricia Lamiell at 212-678-3979 or[email protected].