Halleluiah! A Bronx Tradition Continues! MESSIAH

    December 14, 2014 all-day
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    Bronx Community College
    2155 University Avenue, Bronx, NY 10453
    Halleluiah! A Bronx Tradition Continues!  MESSIAH @ New York | United States

    Halleluiah! A Bronx Tradition Continues!


    Sunday, December 14 at 3:00 p.m.

    Admission is FREE

    Hall of Fame Playhouse
    Bronx Community College
    181st Street at University Avenue

    The Bronx – The Hall of Fame Playhouse of Bronx Community College once again plays host to one of the most powerful and joypops traditions of the borough, HANDEL’S MESSIAH FEATURING ORCHESTRA OF THE BRONX AND THE BRONX OPERA CHORUS UNDER THE DIRECTION OF CONDUCTOR AND ARTISTIC DIRECTOR MICHAEL SPIERMAN.

    The annual event features the majestic Orchestra of the Bronx plus Michelle Trovato, soprano; Carolyn Sebron, mezzo; Jake Armstrong, tenor; Phil Cokorinos, bass, backed-up by The Bronx Opera Chorus and 23 guest narrators from the Bronx community including politicians, business owners, students, and neighbors.

    The new year, 2015, marks the Bronx Opera’s revival of Albert Herring by Benjamin Britten. Look for info on this new production presented in the Bronx on January 10 & 11 at Lehman College’s Lovinger Theatre and in Manhattan on January 17 & 18 at the Kaye Playhouse of Hunter College.

    Visit www.bronxopera.org for more information on these and other exciting productions.