Frack Off!

    January 15, 2015 all-day
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    International Center of Photography
    1133 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036
    Frack Off! @ New York | New York | United States

    Frack Off!

    ICP (International Center of Photography) Museum, 1133 Avenue of the Americas

    Monday, December 15, 7:00pm

    Purchase tickets
    $15 General Admission
    $10 Students & ICP Members

    There are 500,000 active gas wells in the U.S. Each well requires 8 million gallons of water per hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”). Each well can be fracked 18 times. Approximately 40,000 gallons of chemicals are used per fracturing, chemicals that include toxins and carcinogens like lead, mercury, hydrochloric acid, and formaldehyde. In sum: 72 trillion gallons of water and 360 billion gallons of chemicals are needed to run our current gas wells. Panelists discuss the environmental impacts of fracking and efforts to resist the industry at local and national levels. With photographer Nina Berman (Noor); and Anthony Ingraffea, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University. Moderator: Adam Harrison Levy.

    This event is part of the Fall 2014 programming series ICP Talks: Climate Change. For a complete listing of series events, click here.