Forum: Immigration, Economy, and Theology | Foro en Inmigración, Economia, y Teología, Bilingual Event | Evento bilingüe

    April 28, 2015 all-day
    Click to view map
    Queens Museum
    Queens, NY 11368
    Forum: Immigration, Economy, and Theology | Foro en Inmigración, Economia, y Teología, Bilingual Event | Evento bilingüe @ New York | United States

    Forum: Immigration, Economy, and Theology | Foro en Inmigración, Economia, y Teología, Bilingual Event | Evento bilingüe

    At the Queens Museum of Art

    April 29


    The Henry George School of Social Science’s Human Mobility Program invites you to the forum “Religions and Pastoral Action in Reference to Immigration – Proposals for the Development of an Immigrant Theology.”