Family Fridays: Creature Cuts

    January 16, 2015 all-day
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    National Museum of Mathematics
    11 East 26th Street, New York, NY 10010
    Family Fridays: Creature Cuts @ New York | New York | United States

    Family Fridays: Creature Cuts

    At the Museum of Mathematics

    Friday, January 16, 6:30 p.m.

    Using a sharp eye and a sharp tool, visitors will create an Escher-like tessellation of lizards or other creatures to decorate any home. Computer science and math instructor Kevin Lee demonstrates how removing the negative space from a vinyl sticker creates a two-color design similar to the work of mathematical artist M. C. Escher. Attendees will learn about the math of symmetry and tessellations, and will go home with their very own 10″ x 10″ tessellation window sticker. This event is part of Family Fridays at MoMath presented by Time Warner Cable. These free events invite children and families to join mathematical innovators from around the country to experience the fun and engaging aspects of math. Admission is free, registration required.