“Ennui: An English Comedy With A French Title For An American Audience” (Comedy) By Henrietta Steventon
August 30 to September 6
Theater for the New City (Community Theater), 155 First Ave.
As part of the Theater for the New City Sets Its Sixth Dream Up Festival
Box office: SMARTTIX (212) 868-4444. – Other info: TNC (212) 254-1109.
This play-within-a-play is set in rehearsals for a newly discovered Noël Coward play. The actors are thrown together and must define new personae in the context of those around them. The boundaries that separate theater and real life blur and the play they are putting on becomes an arena through which to express truer desires. The dialogue is clever and the humor is sharp. Audiences find themselves pulled into a world of wordplay, deception and murder. The various storylines come to a head with a funny and dramatic ending, playfully assuming a whodunit form that allows all the characters to realize their personal goals.
Complete info: http://www.jsnyc.com/season/dreamup_2015/ennuiant.htm