New York, NY 10023

Creating Change Through Humanism
October 2, 11:00 am
Roy Speckhardt
As part of the October Sunday Platforms at the New York Society For Ethical Culture
2 West 64th Street
American Humanist Association Executive Director Roy Speckhardt will give a talk and book signing for his book, Creating Change Through Humanism (2015, Humanist Press). Speckhardt will explore modern humanism and how our forward-thinking outlook, with its emphasis on critical thinking and self-reflection, can be at the forefront of pressing social issues like civil rights, women’s rights, religion-free science, LGBTQ equality and environmental preservation. He will argue for the need to be open about being “good without a god” while becoming active in social and political causes to put positive values in action and combat anti-humanist prejudice fueled by the Religious Right.
Roy Speckhardt has served as executive director of the American Humanist Association since 2005. He is a frequent media commentator, having appeared on Good Morning America, CNN, Fox News, and NPR, among others. He also writes a regular column for The Huffington Post, and has given speeches at colleges, conferences, and local humanist groups across the country. He previously served as deputy director of The Interfaith Alliance, and holds an M.B.A. from George Mason University.