July 16 – 18, 2015
Taking place at more than one location. Visit their site to learn all the details!
The annual Come Out & Play Festival seeks to provide a forum for new types of public games and play. We want to bring together a public eager to rediscover the world around them through play with designers interested in producing innovative new games and experiences. Oh yeah, and we want to have city-size fun.
Most simply described as “a festival of street games,” Come Out & Play helps people rediscover the city around them through play.
The festival goes well beyond classic street games like stick ball or kick the can, though, featuring emerging types of games that make innovative use of public space, make people interact in new ways, or alter people’s perceptions of their surroundings. Most importantly, the types of games at Come Out & Play are a great way to have fun and connect with urban environments.
Street games, pervasive games, new urban games, big games, locative games, location-aware games, location-based games, gps games, flash mob games, augmented reality games, scavenger hunts, art-sports, and even LARPs are all among the diverse kinds of games that can be played at the annual Come Out & Play Festival.
The Come Out & Play Festival was the first festival of its kind in the world and remains a leader in identifying trends in public gaming. Similar festivals have popped up since we got started, taking inspiration from our approach. The founders of Hide&Seek in London (est. 2007) met at Come Out & Play 2006, and the founders of igfest in Bristol (est. 2008) were very active at Come Out & Play 2008. Come Out & Play maintains a supportive relationship with both Hide&Seek and igfest, promoting their events enthusiastically. We believe that the community around these games is global.