Chelsea Music Festival: Carte Blanche to the Amaryllis Quartett: Birds in the Sanctuary

    June 13, 2014 all-day
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    315 West 22nd Street
    New York, NY 10011
    Chelsea Music Festival: Carte Blanche to the Amaryllis Quartett: Birds in the Sanctuary @ New York | New York | United States

    Chelsea Music Festival:

    Carte Blanche to the Amaryllis Quartett: Birds in the Sanctuary

    JUNE 13, FRIDAY 7:30pm

    St. Paul’s German Lutheran Church | 315 West 22nd St. | $35 ($55 combined with concert at 10pm) | Curated intermission reception by Sigmund’s Pretzel cart & Forager’s City Grocer

    Featuring works by Haydn, Villa-­Lobos, Beethoven and New York Premieres by 2014 Composer-­in-­Residence Alexandre Lunsqui.

    Performers include: Gustav Frielinghaus, Lena Wirth, Lena Eckels, Yves Sandoz, Caitlyn Phillips, Danny Goldman, Alex Shiozaki, Hamilton Berry, Nana Shi, Derek Mosloff

    10:00pm Birnbaum, Beethoven and the Dragon

    St. Paul’s German Lutheran Church | 315 West 22nd St. | $30 ($55 combined with Carte Blanche concert at 7:30pm) | Curated intermission reception by Sigmund’s Pretzel Cart & Forager’s City Grocer

    Hosted by Q2s Doug Balliett, the evening features a portrait on Beethoven’s humor, original Jazzarrangements on Beethoven by the Adam Birnbaum Trio as well as cutting-­edge Brazilian Choro music with the band Choro Dragão.

    Performers include Adrienne Pardee, Alex Shiozaki, Hamilton Berry, Nana Shi, Adam Birnbaum, Quincy Davis, David Wong, James Shipp, Vitor Gonçalves, Mike LaValle, Richie Barshay, Sergio Krakowski