Central Park Conservancy On A Wing Festival
Saturday, May 7, 2016
12:00 – 3:00 pm
Celebrate the bird migration season with Central Park Conservancy’s annual On A Wing Festival.
Meet live bats, butterflies, and birds of prey, some of which call Central Park their home. Look for migrating warblers and other songbirds on a Birding Basics for Families walk and learn how essential these winged beings are to the ecosystem.
Borrow a Discovery Kit and create your own Central Park adventure, exploring how the Conservancy’s work has made the park a sanctuary for birds, bats, and butterflies. This festival features interactive presentations from the Organization for Bat Conservation , Talons!, NYC Audubon Society, Long Island Aquarium, Artist, Jessica Daryl Winer, and more.
This event is free. Tickets are not required but let us know you’re coming. Open to all ages. Member Perk: Show your family membership card to receive a free Shakespeare Garden Discovery Journal.
Schedule of Events:
12:00 pm
- Shakespeare Garden: Secret World of Insects and Butterflies presented by Long Island Aquarium
- Birding Basics for Families Walk: Ramble
- Flight Patterns: Drawing the Shakespeare Garden with Artist Jessica Daryl Winer
1:00 pm
- Live Bat Encounter presented by Organization for Bat Conservation
- Birding Basics for Families Walk: Ramble
- Flight Patterns: Drawing the Shakespeare Garden with Artist, Jessica Daryl Winer
2:00 pm
- Talons! Live Bird of Prey Experience presented by Master Falconer, Lorrie Schumacher
- Birding Basics for Families Walk: Ramble
- Flight Patterns: Drawing the Shakespeare Garden with Artist, Jessica Daryl Winer