BMT Shuttle Rides = Vintage Trains

    June 27, 2015 @ 12:00 pm – June 28, 2015 @ 4:00 pm
    BMT Shuttle Rides = Vintage Trains

    BMT Shuttle Rides = Vintage Trains

    Brighton Beach Q Station, Brooklyn

    Saturday and Sunday, June 27-28

    12:00 – 4:00 pm

    Free with subway entrance!

    The 4th Avenue Subway, Brooklyn’s first subway line, opened 100 years ago this week!

    As part of the centennial celebration of the ‪BMT, our ‪vintage ‪trains will be running as shuttles on June 27 and 28 between noon and 4 p.m. for just a swipe of your Metrocard at the Brighton Beach Q station!

    You can ride different subway car classes* including:

    • The original BRT/BMT “Standards” (1914-1969)
    • BMT D-Type Triplex (1925-1965)
    • R-11 Prototype (1949-1976)
    • IND R-1/9s (1930-1977) which began and ended their service on BMT lines.
    Check out the BMT100 website for more information. While you’re there, check out the Transit Museum’s pop-up retail shop and temporary tattoo station! Transit Museum members always receive a 10% discount on store purchases – you can even join at the pop-up store and start receiving discounts right away!

    *Please note: passengers will only be able to get on or off the trains at the Brighton Beach station. We will be offering rides in both directions, a short round trip to Ocean Parkway and a longer round trip to Kings Highway. Car equipment is subject to change.