48 East 23rd Street

Bicycle Film Festival Holiday Celebration Presented by SPIN
Sunday, December 15, 2019
4:00 – 9:00 pm
SPIN New York 23
48 East 23rd Street
Let’s all get together, celebrate the holidays all for a great cause! This year we have lost 28 cyclists in our city of New York to traffic violence. We should be focusing on actions to make sure there is not another death. Cycling is healthy for those who ride, the city and our planet. In a time of a worldwide climate emergency we should be encouraging cycling as transport and recreation. Cycling is a viable answer to the daunting global ecological crisis.
This event will include:
• Ping Pong
• Performances from Lea Schaepe and D Blocks
• Live Music
• Vintage Bicycle Display
• Exclusive Vegan Menu
• Valet Bicycle Parking Provided by Transportation Alternatives
About BFF:
BFF is an art and cultural organization promoting sustainability. In 2001 Brendt Barbur started the Bicycle Film Festival as a platform to celebrate the bicycle and sustainability through music, art and, of course, film. The Bicycle Film Festival has been a major catalyst for the urban bike movement in the last couple of decades. The BFF has held events in 90 cities worldwide to an accumulated audience of over 1 million people. The Bicycle Film Festival has an incredible history of working with the most important brands, artists, filmmakers and venues around the world.