1000 5th Avenue
Basic Income Bike Parade
“Join Income Movement for the NYC Bike Parade for Basic Income. Let’s show them what we can do, together.”
Saturday, September 19, 2020
at 1:00 pm
Learn more at this official page here…
Start: In front of Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1000 5th Avenue, near 81st Street in Manhattan.
“”The economy is broken. Currently, many of the people who work hardest and are the backbones of our economy are those who are most vulnerable to financial hardship and insecurity. The COVID-19 economic crisis has made this abundantly clear. It is time to shift our thinking and recognize that we can design a system that works for everyone.
Join us as we take to the streets to demand our leadership adopt and pass a Federal Universal Basic Income as a means to a healthier, more innovative, and just society. We must create an income floor on top of which each member of our society can grow and thrive, and in turn ensure our local and national economies can thrive. We owe us!””