At the Staten Island Zoo: Dinosaurs and Fossils

    July 12, 2014 @ 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm
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    Staten Island Zoo
    614 Broadway, Staten Island, NY 10310

    Staten Island Zoo

    At the Staten Island Zoo:

    Dinosaurs and Fossils

    Saturday, July 12: Noon – 3pm

    Dinosaur enthusiast, Richie Mirissis — using fossil evidence — will take you back several million years when dinosaurs roamed the earth. Fossil digs and rubbings as well as a display of authentic relics will be available. Speak to the experts about the fossil rich history in our area. Did you know that a crab fossil deting back 65 million years was found on Staten Island and named kleinfelderi after Walter Kleinfelder, the Curtis High School student who found it?