November 2, 2013 – November 3, 2013 all-day
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Morris-Jumel Mansion
65 Jumel Terrace, New York, NY 10032
65 Jumel Terrace, New York, NY 10032

At the Morris Jumel Mansion
Halloween Paranormal Evening
Saturday, November 2nd
8PM – 9AM
Ever want to know what happens after hours at MJM? Do the spirits come out to play? Well now you can as the team from “Acoustic Archives” presents their recent eerie findings and invites you to spend the night with them as they investigate further.
Please bring a sleeping bag and suitable sleeping attire. A light breakfast will be provided.
The event is appropriate for adults & families with children ages 16 & up.
Tickets are $50 per adult, $25 for children, advanced registration is required.