Asia Week New York 2017

    Asia Week New York

    March 9 – 18, 2017

    The Largest Asia Week New York Ever Organized Entices With A Diversity Of Rare Treasures Spanning Far Eastern Countries And Centuries

    On March 9th, Asia Week New York throws open the doors to the largest number of privately curated exhibitions in the extraordinary event’s history: a total of 50! Asia Week New York is the annual 10-day presentation of treasures from all over Asia, a magnet for collectors, museum curators, designers and scholars that is certain to satisfy.

    From every corner of the continent of Asia comes an exquisite array of beautiful things to be seen and savored at galleries sprinkled around Manhattan beginning March 9 through March 18. In these museum-quality displays by some of the world’s most knowledgeable and discerning Asian art specialists, art lovers will be able to behold examples of painting, sculpture, bronzes, ceramics, jewelry, jade, textiles, prints and photographs gathered from all over Asia.

    “In my years as Chairman of Asia Week New York never I have been prouder of this event,” says Lark Mason. “Our members are pulling out all the stops to present the best there is to offer in their respective fields. Never before has Asia Week New York offered such a large adventure to seekers of Far Eastern treasures—all on view for the first time.” Adds Mason: “Connoisseurs of Asian beauty will feel as though they have traversed a continent and experienced the best it has to offer without ever leaving the island of Manhattan.”