Armed Welfare Queens Invade Gift Shop Demanding More Government Handouts! (And Other Absurdities)

    Armed Welfare Queens Invade Gift Shop Demanding More Government Handouts! (And Other Absurdities)

    Leader Curt Collier

    Sunday, February 28

    New York Society For Ethical Culture,  11:00 am
    2 West 64th Street

    Our National Wildlife Refuges were created not only to protect wildlife, but to create spaces for all Americans to observe natural splendor.  Public lands were created before most western states even existed, and were set aside for the benefit and enjoyment of all, not just for a few.  It is more than ironic, then, that a group of “patriots” would occupy public lands supposedly to protect these lands from the government and make them available to the public?  Despite the comical nature of the act, is this aggression by domestic terrorists purely a misguided crusade or does it portend more sinister thinking.  What do these white men really want (or what are they trying to hide?)

    Built on lectures and music, Sunday Platforms are the heart of Ethical Culture. Topics range from Environment to Ethics, from Music to Theater, and can be inspiring and joyful. These events are free and open to the public. We would like to find a larger audience for these Sunday morning programs and we hope that you will share them with your colleagues, readers and friends. A second email will follow containing the rest of our monthly programs.