8th Annual NYC Honey Fest
Saturday, September 15, 2018
Beach 106th St, Rockaway Beach, Queens, New York
Visit as well the official site here for additional details
Wilk Apiary, Inc your friendly neighborhood beekeepers with dozens of honeybee hives in the borough of Queens is happy to announce that we will be partnering with Cracas Rockaway to bring Honey Fest back to Rockaway Park this year.
On Saturday September 15th, 2018 Beekeepers from near and far will bee on the famous boardwalk celebrating the eighth annual Honey Fest. The perfect way to celebrate the end of summer, this free, all-day bonanza of bees, beach, beers, and bites lines the Rockaways’ 106th Street Boardwalk with vendors and activities of all stripes: the Bee Marketplace (local beekeepers selling and sampling beehive wares), the beloved honey-tasting contest, kids’ arts and crafts, educational honey extraction demonstration, Meet Darren Mays the NYC Bee Cop and much more.
Now you can take the ferry to join them at Honey Fest. NYC Ferry service is available from Wall Street in Manhattan and Sunset Park in Brooklyn and leaves you at the ferry terminal on B108th Street a short walk to the festivities.
We won’t drone on, so for more info, contact us or visit www.nychoneyweek.com. Photos available upon request.