7 Miles of Summer Streets in NYC Returns in August 2021

    7 Miles of Summer Streets in NYC Returns in August 2021

    Saturday, August 7 & August 14
    7:00 am – 1:00 pm

    That’s right! After a hiatus in 2020 for obvious reasons, 7 miles of open streets will be stretching from the Brooklyn Bridge up to Central Park with the bulk of the route existing along Park Avenue.

    Yours truly took part in the very first incarnation of this event and what a thrill it was to have full command of our city streets with camera in hand. Ask any photographer and he/she will likely tell you what a great treat it is to be able to capture the Big Apple in ways that are likely never afforded.

    Of course, this event’s grown in the vast numbers of participants through the years and what you’ll find this year will be a path covered by runners, bicyclists and other health/sport enthusiasts.

    As per the official site, partners host free programming and performances at five Rest Stops along the route:

    • Uptown Rest Stop: 51st Street and Park Avenue
    • Midtown Rest Stop: 25th Street and Park Avenue
    • Astor Place Rest Stop: Astor Place and Lafayette Street
    • Soho Rest Stop: Spring Street and Lafayette Street
    • Foley Square Rest Stop: Duane Street and Centre Street
    Sports enthusiasts are in abundance as they ride, walk, run and skate within the tunnel underneath the Helmsley Hotel on NYC Streets Day.