18th Annual No Pants Subway Ride in NYC
Sunday, January 13, 2019
According to the official site of Improv Everywhere, the No Pants Subway Ride will be taking place on January 13, 2019.
Here’s a shout out to all the leg covering folks who may very well be freezing their ‘you know whats’ off as the temperatures are likely to reach their usual lows. After all, New York City temperatures in January are rarely ever kind but then you never know; as of this writing in mid December, we’ve been hit with only one measly snow storm thus far.
“”The idea behind No Pants is simple: Random passengers board a subway car at separate stops in the middle of winter without pants. The participants behave as if they do not know each other, and they all wear winter coats, hats, scarves, and gloves. The only unusual thing is their lack of pants.””
Have a look at their official video here: