1040 Fitness

    May 14, 2015 all-day
    May 21, 2015; may 28, 2015
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    The Bronx Museum of the Arts
    1040 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY 10456
    1040 Fitness @ New York | United States

    1040 Fitness

    Thursdays May 14, 21, 28 (and June 4 and 11!)

    At the Bronx Museum of the Arts

    Warm up in a series of five fitness classes at the Bronx Museum! Get a lesson on culture, movement, and style, and break a sweat while you’re at it.

    May 14: Michelle González of Sweet Water Dance and Yoga will lead a low-intensity yoga class.

    May 21: Kathryn Davis will lead visitors through “Meditation and Movement for Relaxation and Self-Healing.”

    May 28: Bharati S. Kemraj of the Bharati Dance Academy is leading a Bollywood Blast class.