911 Memorial New Info + Photos
Now open to all with no need for passes or waiting.
That’s right folks! The 911 Memorial Site has announced the following:
“”The 9/11 Memorial is open daily from 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Visitor passes are no longer required.””
Meaning you don’t need to reserve passes and you don’t have to wait for a selected date to show up for your visit.
Just show up and that’s it.
Please Remember: This is regarding the 911 Memorial and NOT the 911 Museum.
We revisted the memorial on Monday, May 19 and they have brought down the fences but access is not available from all sides. It’s more along the southern side with additional partial access on either side (east and west). The remaining sections fenced in is like that of course due to continued construction.
Also keep in mind that there are no turnstiles to go through or lines to stand on. Of course all bags and such are subject to search.